IPPVA Qualifications


Licentiateship is the first level of qualification within the IPPVA and shows the photographer or videographer to be a qualified professional person.

It shows a good level of skill and competence.

Judging of Licentiateship photography panels is by IPPVA Associates and Fellows.

Application process

Application process and requirements for the Licentiateship Qualification can be found on our Join Now page.


Associateship is the 2nd level of qualification within the IPPVA and shows the member to have a high level of technical ability and a strong photographic style.

A candidate for Associateship MUST hold Licentiateship of the IPPVA for at least two years.

Judging of Associateship is by IPPVA Associates and Fellows.

Application process


An Associateship panel is to consist of 20 images submitted electronically.

The submission is judged as two separate panels of 10 images.

A General Practice submission may consist of the first 10 images in the applicants chosen discipline, the second 10 images may consist of 5 images in two other disciplines. (e.g. 10 Wedding 5 portrait 5 commercial etc.)


Coming soon.

How to apply

Please contact the office directly at info@ippva.com if you would like to apply for Associateship.

The judging system takes place in private. The results are private and all candidates are contacted privately when the results have been deliberated.

Some applications will be successful, some will not. For those who are unsuccessful, a full critique of their submission will be forthcoming and a mentor will be made available to go through your submission on a one to one basis.


Once a candidate has their Associateship, they may then apply to FEP (The Federation of European Photographers) for the QEP qualification through the IPPVA.

Qualified European Photographer (QEP) is a recognised Pan-European Qualification.

Application process

A QEP Panel consists of 12 images. The over-riding concern of QEP (apart from a very high level of technical ability) is whether the photographer shows a particular style and flair in his / her work.

Please contact the office directly at info@ippva.com if you would like to apply for QEP.


Fellowship is the highest level of qualification within the IPPVA. A candidate for fellowship must show that he/she has achieved an extremely high standard of technical expertise, with the creative element of the work being of major importance indicating individuality and flair.

A candidate for Fellowship must hold Associateship of the IPPVA for at least two years.

Application process


A submission for Fellowship must consist of 20 prints mounted on 3 or 5mm foam board or foamex in a single discipline or on a single theme.

The candidate is encouraged to submit written evidence to support their panel.


Coming soon.

How to apply

The judging system takes place in private. The results are private and all candidates are contacted privately when the results have been deliberated.

Please contact the office directly at info@ippva.com if you would like to apply for Fellowship.


To be eligible to apply for a QEP Master the candidate:

a) must have held a QEP Certificate for at least one year.

b) must have achieved their Fellowship Qualification through their member association.

c) must demonstrate exceptional personality, style and originality.

Currently the IPPVA Has 5 members who hold this prestigious title:

  • Vincent O’Byrne FIPPVA MQEP
  • Gerry O’Leary FIPPVA MQEP
  • Neil Warner FIPPVA MQEP
  • Donal Murphy FIPPVA MQEP
  • Henk van Kooten FIPPVA MQEP